Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Way Kambas National Park

Way Kambas National Park forms a lowland forest ecosystem consisting of freshwater swamp forest, tall grassland/bush, and coastal forest.

Among the plant species in this Park are api-api (Avicennia marina), pidada (Sonneratia sp.), nipah (Nypa fruticans), gelam (Melaleuca leucadendron), salam (Syzygium polyanthum), rawang (Glochidion borneensis), ketapang (Terminalia cattapa), cemara laut (Casuarina equisetifolia), pandan (Pandanus sp.), puspa (Schima wallichii), meranti (Shorea sp.), minyak (Dipterocarpus gracilis), and ramin (Gonystylus bancanus).

The Park has 50 species of mammal including the Sumatran rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis sumatrensis), Asian elephant (Elephas maximus sumatranus), Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae), Malayan tapir (Tapirus indicus), Asian wild dog (Cuon alpinus sumatrensis), siamang (Hylobates syndactylus syndactylus); 406 species of bird including the storm's stork (Ciconia stormi), woolly-necked stork (C. episcopus), white-winged wood duck (Cairina scutulata), lesser adjutant stork (Leptoptilos javanicus), crested fireback (Lophura ignita), great argus pheasant (Argusianus argus argus), oriental darter (Anhinga melanogaster); and various species of reptile, amphibian, and fish.

Wild elephants that have been tamed and trained at the "Pusat Latihan Gajah" (Elephant Training Centre) can be ridden, used to transport logs, and to pull ploughs. The centre is located 9 km from the Plang Ijo Gate. At the Elephant Training Centre, visitors can see elephants being trained, playing football, and swimming. The centre was constructed in 1985 and about 290 elephants have so far been tamed and trained there.

Interesting locations/attractions:

Pusat Latihan Gajah Karangsari: elephant training centre.
Way Kambas: camping.
Way Kanan: research on Sumatran tigers and Sumatran rhinoceros breeding. Facilities for researchers include a nature lab and accomodation.
Rawa Kali Biru, Rawa Gajah and Kuala Kambas: kayaking/canoeing along the Way Kanan river, observing animals (wild duck, herons, deer, migrant birds), grasslands and mangroves.

Cultural attractions outside the Park: the Krakatau Festival, held in Bandar Lampung each July.

Best time of year to visit: July to September.

How to reach the Park: Bandar Lampung-Metro-Way Jepara, about 2 hours by car (112 km); Branti-Metro-Way Jepara, about 1.5 hours (100 km); Bakauheni-Panjang-Sribawono-Labuan Meringgai-Way Kambas, about 2 hours.

Office: Jl. Raya Way Jepara
Labuan Ratu Lama, Lampung
Tel. : +62-725-44220

Declared Minister of Agriculture, in 1982
Designated Minister of Forestry, SK.No. 670/Kpts-II/1999,
a total area of 125,621.3 hectares
Location Regencies: Central Lampung and East Lampung,
(Province of Lampung)
Temperature 28° - 37° C
Rainfall 2,500 - 3,000 mm/year
Altitude 0 - 60 m asl.
Geographical location 106°32' - 106°52' E; 4°3'7' - 5°15' S