Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Bogani Nani Wartabone National Park

Bogani Nani Wartabone National Park, formerly known as Dumoga Bone, is an area of ecological uniqueness. Its is located in the transitional zone between the Indo-Malayan geographical zone in the western part and the Papua-Australian geographical zone in the eastern part (the Wallaceae Area).

Several peculiar and endangered species of plant inhabit this Park, including the matayangan palm (Pholidocarpus ihur), black wood (Diospyros celebica), iron wood (Intsia spp.), yellow wood (Arcangelisia flava), and carrion flower (Amorphophallus companulatus). The most commonly found species are Piper aduncum, Trema orientalis, Macaranga sp., cempaka, agathis, kenanga, and various species of orchid and ornamental plants.

This Park has 24 species of mammal, 125 species of bird, 11 species of reptile, 2 species of amphibian, 38 species of butterfly, 200 species of beetle and 19 species of fish. Most of animals living in this Park are endemic species to Sulawesi, like the black-crested macaque (Macaca nigra nigra), Tomini black-crested macaque (M. nigrescens), eastern tarsier (Tarsius spectrum spectrum), Sulawesi palm civet (Macrogalidia musschenbroekii musschenbroekii), lowland anoa (Bubalus depressicornis), mountain anoa (B. quarlesi), babirusa (Babyrousa babyrussa celebensis), and various bird species. The mascot of the Park is the maleo fowl (Macrocephalon maleo). A species endemic to this Park is the Bone bat (Bonea bidens).

The body of the maleo is about the same size as that of a chicken, but its eggs are six times heavier. The maleo lays its eggs in the ground or sand at a depth of 30-40 cm, usually close to thermal springs: this thermal energy helps the eggs to hatch. The sight of the maleo chicks emerging from the ground, and, at one day old, running to an open space of land, and the opportunity to catch glimpses of the maleo mother digging holes, are unique attractions for visitors.

Interesting locations/attractions:

Kosinggolan: camping, climbing Mt. Poniki, observing animals and plants.
Toraut, Lombongo, Tambun: lakes, waterfalls, thermal springs, camping, climbing Mt. Padang, walking through the forest, swimming, maleo watching and cultural remains.
Matayangan: watching maleo, black-crested macaques, hornbills bathing in the river, etc.

Cultural attractions outside the Park include the Bolaang Mongondow Festival in March and the Gorontalo Festival in May.

Best time of year to visit: April to September.

How to reach the Park: Manado-Kotamobagu by car, about 4 hours (185 km). From Kotamobagu to Toraut by car, about 1 hour (69 km); or from Kotamobagu to Maelang by car, about 3 hours (100 km).

Office: Jl. AKD Mongkonai
Kotamobagu 95716, North Sulawesi
Tel. : +62-434-22548
Fax. : +62-434-22547

Declared : Minister of Agriculture, in 1982,
a total area of 300,000 hectares
Designated : Minister of Forestry SK. No. 731/Kpts-II/92,
a total area of 287,115 hectares
Location : Regency of Bolaang Mongondow (Province of North Sulawesi) and
Regency of Gorontalo (Province of Gorontalo)

Temperature 21° - 31° C
Rainfall 1,200 - 2,000 mm/year (on average)
Altitude 50 - 2,000 m asl.
Geographical location 123°08' - 124°14' E; 0°20' - 0°49' N