Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Lore Lindu National Park

Lore Lindu National Park represents various ecosystem types, including lowland tropical forest, sub-montane forest, montane forest, and mixed forest.

The plant species that can be found in both lowland tropical forest and sub-montane forest include Eucalyptus deglupta, Pterospermum celebicum, Cananga odorata, Gnetum gnemon, Castanopsis argentea, Agathis philippinensis, Philoclados hypophyllus, medicinal plants, and rattans.

Covering part of the Park is a sub-alpine forest at an altitude of 2,000 m asl. Frequently blanketed with mist, this forest contains short trees and mosses.

The biodiversity of this Park is rich in animal species, with 117 species of mammal, 88 species of bird, 29 species of reptile and 19 species of amphibian. More than 50% of the species inhabiting the Park are endemic animals like the Tonkean macaque (Macaca tonkeana tonkeana), babirusa (Babyrousa babyrussa celebensis), diannae tarsier (Tarsius diannae), lesser Sulawesi tarsier (T. pumilus), bear cuscus (Ailurops ursinus furvus), small cuscus (Strigocuscus celebensis callenfelsi), Sulawesi rat (Rattus celebensis), maleo fowl (Macrocephalon maleo), Sulawesi palm civet (Macrogalidia musschenbroekii musschenbroekii), gold snake (Elaphe erythrura and E. janseni), Sulawesi frog (Bufo celebencis), and six fish species, including an endemic species in Lake Lindu, Xenopoecilus sarasinorum.

Besides the riches of its natural resources, this Park also has some impressive groups of megaliths which are among the best megalithic monuments in Indonesia.

Lore Lindu National Park receives international technical assistance and has been declared by UNESCO as a Biosphere Reserve in 1977.

Interesting locations/attractions:

Besoa Valley: maleo habitat, megalith sites and recreation.
Lake Lindu, Gimpu, Wuasa, Bada: rowing on the lake and observing birds.
Saluki, Bada, Napu Valleys: megalith sites.
Mt. Nokilalaki, Mt. Rorekatimbo, Lariang River: mountain climbing, camping and rafting.
Lewuto Lake: vistas over the lake, ancient human remains at Moradino.
Dongi-dongi, Kamarora: camping, thermal springs, forest exploration.

One of the cultural attractions outside the Park is the Lake Poso Festival in August.

Best time of year to visit: July to September.

How to reach the Park: Palu-Kamarora by car, 2.5 hours (50 km); or Palu-Wuasa by car, 5 hours (100 km); then Wuasa-Besoa by car, 4 hours. Palu-Kulawi, 6 hours (80 km). The trip into the Park area can be made on foot or on horseback along these routes: Gimpu-Besoa-Bada, 3 days; and Saluki (Sidaonta)-Lake Lindu, 1 day.

Office: Jl. Mawar Nr. 10
Palu, Central Sulawesi
Tel./Fax. : +62-451-423608

Declared : Minister of Agriculture, in 1982,
a total area of 231,000 hectares
Designated : Minister of Forestry SK No. 646/Kpts-II/99,
a total area of 217,991.18 hectares
Location : Regencies; Donggala and Poso (Province of Central Sulawesi)

Temperature 22° - 34° C
Rainfall 2,000 - 3,000 mm/year
Altitude 500 - 2,600 m asl.
Geographical location 119°57' - 120°22' E; 1°03' - 1°58' S