Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Cibodas Botanical Garden

Cibodas Botanic Garden has a long and important history of research and conservation. The early history of Cibodas Botanic Garden is also the early history of what is now one of Indonesia's most significant National Parks and a World Heritage Area, Mt Gede-Pangrango National Park. Cibodas is renowned as one of the first tropical research stations in the world, and numerous scientists have used the station for their research on tropical rainforests.
Cibodas Park"If there were still a paradise on earth, a part of it would be Cibodas", so said Dr. Frist W. Went, a Dutch plant physiologist , when he described his rapture of Cibodas Botanical Garden.

Dr. Frits W. Wents description must have been right. The Beauty of Cibodas Botanical Garden is really beyond description. There are Spectacular meadows and deep groves of trees.

The 80 - hectares Cibodas Botanical Garden is located down the slopes of Gede Pangrango Mount and has been well known for its tourist attractions. It is so beautiful that it is called " A Paradise in Asia " There is a collection of hundreds of trees with different types and ages. There have been about 5,831 example plants out of 1,206 varieties existing here so

As one of gates to climb Gede Pangrango Mount, Cibodas, botanical garden was visited not less than 400,000 visitors per year. Some interest places, which often visited such as green house, Arnucarua Avenue, Cibodas waterfall and landscape location with spring water. At green house, places 4000 kinds of cactus from 350 varieties and 360 orchids.

Cibodas Botanical garden is located at Rarahan village, Cimacan Cianjur. The distance is about 85 km from Jakarta or about 90 minutes tour through Bogor Puncak Cianjur main road.

They said the opening of Cibodas Botanical garden was connected to the history of coming quinine to Indonesia. At first, a Dutch Botanist Johannes Elias Teysman wanted to plant it this area, but the land did not suitable for quinine growing. Finally, he decided to plant the seeds in Pangalengan, West Java. The date of coming the seed of quinine at, April 11, 1852, stated as Cibodas Botanical garden anniversary.
The Cibodas bryophyte park, part of the Cibodas Botanical Garden (KRC ) in Pacet subdistrict, Cianjur regency, West Java, and believed to be the only outdoor moss park in the world, was dedicated by Mrs Umar Anggara Jenie, wife of the Head of the Indonesian Council of Sciences (LIPI ).
Head of the KRC Vegetation Conservation Institute Holif Immamudin said on the sidelines of the dedication of the 1,500-m2 bryophyte park, which will be expanded to 2,500 m2, located between Mt Gede and Mt Pangrango, that everything in the KRC is the biggest in the world.

"With its biggest outdoor moss park in the world, Indonesia will be known as a country which is serious in plant conservation," he said.

Actually, Germany and Singapore also have a moss park, but indoor, and having only seven species, and the one in Japan has only 10 species.

He said that Indonesia is rich in biodiversity, as all the 3,000 different moss species in the world are also found in Indonesia, and 250 of them are found in the Cibodas Botanical Garden, he said.

But unfortunately, he said, the condition of one of Indonesia`s biodiversity lacked attention of the appropriate authorities, whereas moss has an important role to play in the life of human beings.

Some of the benefits of bryophytes he said moss maintains humidity of the air and land porosity, and is a water binder.

And moss of the Usnea species also has a medical potential, while a moss of the Spaghnum species is known to replace cotton, and could heal skin and eye diseases, and serve as a means for the growth of orchids. Moss of the marchantia species is known to heal hepatitis.

But all these moss species must first be clinically tested before using them as a medical drug.

The moss park is designed on the basis of a cultivated landscape.

Its strategic location makes it very easy for visitors to see it, because the moss park is only 600 meters away from the KRC entrance, and can also be reached through the Rhododendron Park and an asphalted road to Curug in Cibogo.

In the meantime, Bian Tan, program coordinator for Southeast Asia told the press that the moss species in Indonesia are the most complete in the world.

Besides, he added, as it is located in a tropical region surrounded by mountains, the air around it remains humid, unlike those in other countries like Germany, Singapore and Japan, which are located indoor.

The the bryophyte park was dedicated also on the occasion of the 154th anniversary of the KRC.

Source: Antara